Thursday, December 26, 2013

more UofA students Costa Rica 1977

 Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright MCMLXIII Uncle Hargus ALL Rights reserved

ROF= Ring of fire Odyssey  MEF-H = Marine Expeditionary Force- Hargus

Going through these slides / pix of the Uof Alabama students in Costa Rica - summer 1977. Will post as I find pix of individuals. Here are some more of the Latin American Studies students in Costa Rica 1977.  Left is Susan from Gadsden, and a unique friend Courtney "Coco" Glass. Coco was in Costa Rica for a couple weeks then went on to Mexico for some course work.
Susan Patterson- left and "Cocito"  was a good dancer and the only lady in college that actually knew how to Cajun/ Zydeco dance.

Jan is in the center. I can't remember the lady on the left ?Liz?. Smiling on the right... ? Debbie?
Jan with some Dos Pinos "helados" ice cream. This was the absolute best ice cream I've ever eaten and it was in most Costa Rican cafes.
One of the treats of the 1977 trip was to smoke a "Pintor" Costa Rican made cigar. They were as good or better than the Cuban cigars.... and they cost 1 Colon; about a dime. The ladies were independent thinking women... and they smoked a cigar with us several times.
We had an after party when we got back to Tuscaloosa and shared pix and stories. It was a fantastic journey to travel to Costa Rica in the Summer of 1977.

Dr Richard Brough and Dr Edward Mosely.  Dr Brough was a published artist and professor at UofA and went on the Costa Rica trip mostly as a mentor... to see Costa Rica and do some art work. Mrs Brough did some work at the University cultural center. A few of the students went on a field trip... independent study and went down into the jungle of Costa Rica to find the Boruca tribe of Indians. The Boruca spoke one of the last remaining Indian dialects of an indigenous Latin American Indian tribe. Dr Brough was probably 60+ when he went on this trip. He was a really neat guy and did some sketches on his artist pad while he was in the Boruca village. When back to Tuscaloosa he gave me a watercolor of Boruca; it is one of my prized pieces of artwork.

Boruca, Costa Rica

In the deep jungles of Latin America

In search of the lost tribe of the Boruca Indians

Not only did we find them, I have pictures; many pictures.

And they will be coming in time as they have to be converted from Kodachrome slides... to digital.

But for now.... there is a painting. Artist Richard Brough was there w/ us and gave me this painting as a gift. It is one of the few treasures kept through the years.

 Dr Edward Mosley was the Chairman of the UofA Latin American Studies Dept. He was a really top notch guy and several times he interpreted with the locals and translated the significant cultural history, events, and places we traveled to.

                                          Whit and Alfredo Gutterrez.

You never drink twice from the same stream.

StoneBearTracks Copyright Uncle Hargus MCMLXIII ALL blog posts/photographs/video ALL Rights reserved 

ALL Blog posts/photographs/video Copyright MCMLXIII ALL Rights Reserved